My dear friend and mentor Sam Reese once told me,

“Medicine shouldn’t cost money.”

I’ve struggled with these words for years, and with pricing of the very things I create, which I believe are medicine for the soul.

Years ago I worked at a magical place called Humanity in Tofino, BC. It was a space for creativity, music, art, expanding consciousness and good organic food. We had a corner of the store that was karma-pay, with clothes, household goods, books, and more. This was also the first store where I sold my jewelry, and I even had a display that was all Karma pay pricing. I love the idea that people can pick the price that fits them at any given time, and it is with this in mind that I offer Karma Pay.

If you would like a price other than the one posted, please send me a message so I can change the price for you (or let you know the 3 prices if they are not already listed). Additionally, if you are interested in a price that is not listed, send me a message and let me know what you’re interested in, how much you would like to pay, and I’ll see what I can do.

In love and light,

Candis a.k.a. Windweaver